Huh ?!?!?

Jarold Sean had moved into the academy on Gallifrey and Sarah Adric Smith took the title of The Selector as her TARDIS grew into a functional Time and Space travel machine then after that was finished took off to start saving Nirn. The Coach and Jameson Sean went on adventures in more ways than one with The Coach enjoying the dynamic shift with Jameson Sean and Jameson Sean was enjoying the dynamic shift with The Coach as well. 

Jarold Sean was doing great in all of his classes as he was climbing up the ranks in the Jordbenbrett academy. The Selector has been saving the planet Nirn for a while and protecting its history. The Coach and Jameson Sean's relationship with each other deepenned as they traveled and they physically interacted in their new dynamic. The War Doctor called asking,” Hey, Coach I'm just calling because the high council of Gallifrey is requesting that Jameson Sean come back and be part of the final day of The Time War and If Jameson Sean would like to pick a title for himself? They say he's a Time Lord and Time Lord's need titles.” The Coach was surprised by this saying,” Huh?!?!?” Jameson Sean looked at his husband, gave him a kiss and said,” I was thinking since you are The Coach can I be The referee? I'd be a great referee for you.” The Coach was excited about the prospects of that saying,” Jamesy you'd be an amazing referee. I just don't want you to go right now.” Jameson Sean looked into The Coach's eyes then said,” Alright I won't leave.” The Coach then kissed him back and so they had a last night of passion. As The Coach slept Jameson Sean left for Gallifrey to get his title of The referee.


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